Monday, November 16, 2009

Time, Time, Time

Adults moving around the room with their children. There is a fun buzz of young voices involved in activity. Business, but a good busy. Parents and preschool children doing activities together and talking about what God has created. Cookies were iced and extra icing was eaten or saved for later. There is nothing like sitting with mom and dad, snacking on cookies and milk while listening to the story of creation. Thank you for all who attended out Starry Night event last Friday and especially for those Preschool Leaders and teachers who made the night happen. Families had a great time making creation crafts together and being reminded of God’s goodness. I don’t know about you, but my fondest memories of childhood do not include lots of stuff. My fondest memories include card games, ice skating, and the story of the birth of Jesus while with my family. Kids like stuff, there is no doubt, but they like time with mom and dad a whole lot more. As we move into the holiday season, there will be a temptation to fill our moments with activity and shopping. Let me encourage you to carve out some family time as well, if you haven’t already. Stuff will be forgotten, but the moments spent together as a family will last a lifetime.

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