Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do I Really Believe This Book?

2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..." We used this verse as a reminder last weekend in Quest that we can trust the Bible as being true because God guided the writing of His Scripture. But something else hit me with this passage. I'm sure that "something" was the Holy Spirit wanting to get my attention. As I understand that the Bible is indeed the Word of God given to us, and it is all true, do I live like I believe it?

There are many times I do, but unfortunately there are many times I do not. This living like I don't believe the Bible usually cannot be seen; it’s in the attitude of the heart. It's being selfish with my time. It's the negative thoughts. It's the critical thoughts. It's the pity-parties I feel entitled to. In short, it's sin that easily creeps into my life and pulls me away from God.

I can't help but think that if I had really lived like I believed the Bible was God's message to me; my children would have been affected in a much more positive way for God than they were. Don't get me wrong, I'm blessed to have the daughters I have. They are Godly women who guide their children to Christ. I'm saying, the times I lived like the Bible was just another book had a spiritual impact on my family.

I am thankful I serve a loving God who is full of grace and mercy; who forgives, corrects, and builds up. Where I fell short as a father and husband, I'm sure He jumped in. Where are you? Do you say without a doubt that the Bible is God's true Word to us? If you say it, have you asked yourself lately, "Do I really believe this book?" Do I live like I believe all it has to say? What a journey. God help me live each day like I believe every word that was spoken by you.

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