This past Sunday, Kids Quest began its 40 Day Study on Worship. We looked at the Ark of the Covenant, how it was to be made, and what was placed inside. Our Bottom Line for the week is, "I should do what God asks me to do." That sounds like a good thing. It sounds easy enough to do; just follow His instructions.
I don't know about you, but I fail at this from time to time through an action, an inaction, or a thought not kept in check. Like Paul, I want to please God with my life, but there are times I do the things I don't want to do. It's in these times that I am reminded I need to be spending more time with God and more time in His Word. Will this help me be perfect? By no means. Will this help me live a life that is more pleasing to Him? By all means. I simply need to do what God asks me to do. He desires, above all other things, relationship with me and you.
Let me encourage you to spend time this week with God and your children. This could be at meal time, before the day gets going, or right before bed. Children will learn the importance of relationship with God and doing what He asks them to do as they see it modeled by mom and dad. That sounds like a thing we can all do.